well got another emergency call from the General Hospital to attend a meet in 6 hours with the spinal radiation specialist; so, instead of enjoying a moderation of the arctic -30temps that have haunted my outdoor life in Ottawa's Sandy Hill, i had to cancel my ski-out of the day to prep for this meet and jusst went for a one hour hikeAlong the Rideau Riverside.
My thoughts turning to a recent email received from one of my former associates when i produced, cooked for and hosted a Toronto Soup Kitchen at St. George's.
Haven't heard or seen him in a decade or more and receiving his email about his robotic cancer surgery but nothing about how i feel or what state my cancer is at.
Instead he offered his solution which was to write poetry to my Cancer as though it would listen or cause me some relief.
Being an avid lifelong filmaker i sent him my most recent mini-doc called SOLITUDE - shot from my kayak during the water woods of NB i.e. Spring floods produced a 'lakeinthewoods' thus i was able to kayak which a month later would become impossibe since the earth would absorb the water.
It's one of the miracles of daily kayaking most of the year to have this amazing experience. Very meditative and very wonderful kayaking ...... floating thru the woods instead of hiking over them.
To help the viewer experience this meditative miracle i put a Tibetan Bhuddists chant under the image.... and told my former collegue this was my poetry ( he was well aware of my creative filmaking lifestyle . )
Instead of showing any interest in it at all he went into a tirade of ridiculous ways of how to shoot image from my kayak - i would point out that he's never been in a kayak, never been in NB, never been kayaking in any kind of water source and never shot one inch of film/video footage; thus, he qualifies to be the next PRESIDENT of the KNOWitALL CLUB.
Because the PRESIDENT must know it all and do absolutely nothing about anything....
p.s. i should mention i know or knew many guys those years back who would qualify for the PRESIDENCYof the KNOWitALL club not unlike that idiot who now is President of America .... sad very sad.... he reminded me of the patience I used ot have for such creatures of negativity... and sometimes still tolerate them but not as often mmmm.