my own private nightmare then along came digital
First there was film ... expensive, time consuming and get ur wallet out
it's impossible when u're a DIY person to fortell the future of each work from start to finish 'cause some of it is a learned experience and u go along make some mistakes and then learn not to make them again... that's the secret pleasure of hard working DIY folks.
well one can pocket the large charges most 'professionals' charge so that $70. or $90 hourliy rate can go into ur own personal projects like movie making which means u don't really have to rely on any others for moola and that means the enormous problems and slow downs associated with trying to raise money for ur movie will instead be spent on the creative side of 'making the movie'
I know too many others who spend years or never trying to raise the big bucks they think they need 'cause so many think they need big crews but digital has changed all that ... made it so much easy to be a team of two or three than was dreamt of ten years earlier.
Often i'm a team of one and with wireless or shotgun mics capture useable sound and image that i load into my iMac27 and away i go focussed totally on the creative side of it all and not on the financial/legal side of it all.
go digital boys it's easy....
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