Helene Lacelle and ZOLTAR, her mentor
helping her find a Beautiful Bachelor in Evanchuck's docudramedy, 'THE
SEARCH FOR A BEAUTIFUL BACHELOR.' (Photo by Peter Evanchuck)
Recently Soderbergh’s ‘UNSANE’ created a stir in the film community since his half dozen or so DOP’s all used iphones to create the media and after spending a million on making it, he released it.
It’s release wasn’t to his satisfaction since it sort of bombed at the box. His response to this was rather remarkable to we Canadian filmmakers.
He had only $20 million for marketing/promotion of the feature. That he states, wasn’t enough. He assures his readers that at least $30 million is necessary to create the buzz needed to get the bums in the seats of theatres across the U.S.
These costs are absurd to any Canadian filmmaker since no one ever or seldom gets that kind of money – even to make the feature.
My little movies struggle like I do with my cancer to get out and about in a very controlled American domination of our theatres and media outlets.
All that aside, I and others have used digital to continue to ‘tell our stories’ and use whatever outlets we can to expose those tales to interested viewers. The problem of course is how to make some rent money to pay the bills.
At the present I’m roaming from Ontario to Nova Scotia shooting scenes for my latest docudramedy ‘THE SEARCH FOR A BEAUTIFUL BACHELOR.’
The story is revealed partly with documentary footage, dramatic footage all with a sensible sense of humour.
And that my fellow videographers is where this filmmaker stands firmly in the grip of low budget movie making like so many other Canadians who have a yearning to understand life around them.
PS: i just heard that Netflix intends to open a major studio in Toronto. Perhaps taxfree Netflix might have to pay some taxes into the media fund and fund more Canadian storytellers.
Helene Lacelle on location in Moscow
(Ottawa's Lansdown Park Pavillion plays Red Square) in scene from
'CanadianPIGgirl,' Evanchuck's feature drama now in post. (Photo by
Peter Evanchuck)
Director Peter Evanchuck on location in Niagara Falls sitting with a bachelor Zombie discussing life (Photo by Helene Lacelle)